Sunday, May 07, 2006

The 4000 ton rust bucket called home

I think I must be a late bloomer. This blogging thing has been going on for years and I'm onloy now catching on. I don't know whether thats cos I'm not so hot on sharing my feelings but hey, I'll give it a go.

So what's my life like? ...Strange, varied and remarkably uncomplecated. I live on a ship with 200 other people from 46 different countries around the world. We all speak different lanaguages and like different things and we all get on (for the most part!)

We work, eat, sleep, play and live on this 4000 ton rust bucket called home.

We've been here for 20 months, over half our married life together and in September we leave. We don't know where we are going we just know that God is calling us home (earthly home that is not real home)

So how am I feeling? excited, a little concerned, hopeful but above all calm. I know that God has it all mapped out even I don't know what that map is yet. I would like to know tho' just so I know we are on the rigth track.

I know that if I focus on God and on knowing him more then I will naturally know his design for us - even so I'm not the most patient person in the world!


1 comment:

becci brown said...

well hello have a blog. how very interesting...coolio. keep going. it's a great community. ive made so many friends through it...oddly enough! Keep looking at mine-i tend to update it every week or so...sometimes more often. see you